20 Years of Bloom
Celebrating 20 years!
Diving into the world of pediatric occupational therapy right after graduating from USC was like finally discovering myself. I was drawn to Sensory Integration Theory and Practice and wanted to learn everything I could from the experts who surrounded me.
Fast forward to 2004, and Bloom was born. The name just clicked—I'd seen these incredible kids blossom, and it felt like the perfect fit. At the start, it was just me hustling and bustling. But I kept my learning going! Feeding therapy, infant massage, DIR/Floortime, advocacy—you name it, I was soaking it all in.
In 2013, I had a light bulb moment—I wanted to create a space that felt more like a warm, friendly hangout than a clinical setup. What kids are learning in occupational therapy should seamlessly apply in the real world, right? That's how the whole indoor-outdoor vibe of Bloom became a reality. Inspired by forest schools in Europe, I thought, "Why not bring this to sunny Los Angeles?" And that's what we've been doing ever since—intervention that feels more like a playdate than therapy!
When the chaos of the pandemic hit, we were lucky to keep doing what we do best—helping kiddos and families. That's when I decided to dive back into the books and attain my long-dreamt-about doctorate from Boston University by 2022. I focused on program development, advocating for neurodiversity, twice-exceptionality, and inclusion.
Now here we are, about to enter 2024, celebrating Bloom's 20th year! Can you believe it? I pinch myself every day—I couldn't have imagined a more fulfilling ride. Thank you for trusting me and Bloom with your families. We feel like the luckiest bunch to be part of your journey.
Here's to many more years of growth and endless playdates!
Happy new year and warmest regards,